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Writer's pictureKaren Burrows

Hurry-up and Wait?

Who likes the word wait? In our fast paced society, there are few of us that like the sound of the word. You might have heard recently a customer service rep or a fast-food server say, "Sorry for the wait." Our society has bred into us that it's a bad thing to wait.

According to Webster's dictionary, the word wait can be used either as a verb or a noun. Synonyms for wait are known as stay or hold on. For instance, if you are leading a little child through a crosswalk in a busy city intersection, you grab their hand and tell them to wait for the light to change to signal when it is safe to walk across. Another use of the word wait can be used as a noun. It's popular synonyms are delay or attitude of watchfulness and expectancy. The fisherman had a three-hour wait for the early morning catch.

Maybe changing our perspective of the word could change our attitude and make life a little less stressful in the waiting process. When we find ourselves rejecting the wait situation, try and accept it as a noun: the state or attitude of watchfulness and expectancy! What good thing could I be doing while I'm waiting? You fill in the blank. This will allow you to stop rejecting and fighting against many things that we have no control over. Why not look for someone to compliment while you are standing in that long line, or chat with a crying child in the grocery store check-out as they plead with their mother for the Snickers Bar or Gummy Bears?

My kudos to you today is breathe in and relax the next time you hear the words "wait" or "hold-time." Breathe a prayer for acceptance and not rejection. Allow the presence of God to give you his perspective in the situation. God's love will transform your perspective as you ask him to see with his eyes. Finally, be encouraged to know that you are expecting good things to happen as you wait. The situation may not change, but your attitude will change from being a controlling worrier to a gracious encourager. It is God's love that transforms!

May the Lord direct your hearts into God's love and Christ's perseverance. 2Thessalonions 3:5

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