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Writer's pictureKaren Burrows

Worry Makes it Worse

I went to a new dentist today and my fear of the event before it happened reminded me what some may feel when they see an alligator in the water.

Here in Florida it is no unusual thing to see a gator along the ba nk of a lake or pond. Being a local for over thirty years, you kind of get used to them. I know how to respect them from a distance and appreciate their part in nature. However, others have an image in their minds that they always want to eat you for lunch. Best thing is just to leave them alone and let them "be" in their own environment. Of course if you find one swimming in your backyard pool, it would be a good idea to call the local fish and wildlife office so they can advise you.

The dreaded moment arrives, I enter the dentist office with trepidation and a racing heart beat, but praying for the best. After filling out tons of forms, I made it through the first battle zone without any scars. The dentist office atmosphere seemed very clean and sterile. However, there a was pleasant surprise with a dental tech who had a warm, smiling-masked voice and was very friendly. She commented on my jazzy pink and black leggings and we laughed about Floridians facing the "cold" weather. After a thorough exam with x-rays, a few tests, and a teeth examination, the doctor gave me a second opinion on a previously recommended crown from another dentist. As it turns out there was another problem with the tooth. There was a sensitive ridge that had developed from me brushing too hard. (OOPS) It didn't need a crown or a filling. She gave me a topical prescription to fix the problem and told me to come back in six months!

I was singing a new song when driving home. It was a song of praise to our God. Now you might just think that it was all "happenstance" that I went to another dentist, and it worked out in my favor. But I choose to give the Lord credit as I prayed and asked for His direction which I had done on many occasions regarding this situation.

My kudos to you today is: give all your worries to the Lord and he will sustain you. Pray for his help in even the smallest things such as a toothache. My teeth are not as big as gator teeth, but the fear I had was like seeing an open Gator's mouth. Don't let fear bind you. God has an answer when we give them over to him! Then we will be singing a new song, a song of praise for what He has done!

Don't worry about anything; instead pray about everything; tell God your needs, and don't forget to thank him for his answers. Philippians 4: 6-9

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