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Writer's pictureKaren Burrows

When one door closes...

My expectations were dashed when I went to a favorite state park and the walking, swinging bridge was closed! I have a thing for state parks and love going outdoors. The nature paths are of particular enjoyment for me because part of my teaching experience has been in environmental science. The cool nature paths seem to call me into the adventure of the different flora and fauna. Also, I particularly love bridges, especially if they have some height to them.

On this particular day, my husband and I journeyed for only about a mile to arrive at "the bridge." This bridge is where you can stand and gaze a long ways down either side of the river while the rapids rush under your feet. We have gotten some really beautiful pictures on this bridge. Hubby gets a little seasick with the swaying, but he endures it I guess for the photo ops that are available.

The memory of past events was so sweet when I stood at the Bridge Closed sign. My thoughts were, oh well I guess not today. I stood there for a bit and stared at the bridge. It called me to reflect on closed bridges in my own life. Times that I knew for sure that God would answer a prayer just the way "I wanted." However, in his goodness and wisdom, the prayer was answered, but it was with a no. Like that closed bridge, the best thing in my life was not that path, or the door, or the thing that I was asking to be opened.

My kudos to you today is to let God say no to you and be okay with it. So much of the gospel message is Yes! and Amen! to everyone who believes. However, we must remember Jesus's prayer in the garden of Gethsemane when he prayed..."Father not my will but thine be done." But in his surrender Jesus knew that he was agreeing to follow God's perfect plan for his life. Hope you find encouragement today in the words of the Psalm 143:10...Teach me to do you will...

Teach me to do your will, for you are my God; may your good Spirit lead me on level ground. For your name's sake, O Lord, preserve my life; in your righteousness, bring me out of trouble.
Psalm 143:10

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