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Writer's pictureKaren Burrows

What Matters in Life?

Updated: Nov 8, 2021

Enjoying the cool brisk morning Buddy and I ventured out to a nearby state park. It was a perfect, overcast day with low UV, one that I could enjoy without worrying too much about the sun.

I was amazed at some of the enormous oak trees that have been allowed to grow for probably hundreds of years. Trying to snap a quick selfie, with a view of the tree's trunk in the background, I was suddenly photobombed! Well, as they say, the rest is history. What resulted was my faced getting a morning wash with my dog's tongue plus an affection nuzzle. So much for the sunscreen. I know it's waterproof, but is it dog slobber-proof?

We continued on our trail walk and I did get a few more nature photos to share, but I was taken back by the quietness of the woods. There in the stillness I was reminded of the just how fast-paced our society seems to be running. But where are they all running to? To work, to school, to the doctor, shopping. The lists never end.

My kudos to you today is to take time for yourself today and ask yourself, "What really matters in life?" We were all created for a God-given purpose. I pray you will find yours and live it out to the best of your ability. But what's even more important than that? It is knowing that you are sure about where you will spend eternity. There is a hell to shun and a heaven to gain and knowing Jesus is the only entrance into that Kingdom. Keep asking, keep seeking and keep knocking. He is only a prayer away and his truths will show you what in life really matters!

"Through him all things were made; without him nothing was made that has been made."

John 1:3

"...all the trees of the field shall clap their hands." Isaiah 55:12

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