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Writer's pictureKaren Burrows

Untimely kisses

Dog lovers around the world can sympathize with those who have been splashed by unexpected dog kisses. My dog Buddy has an uncanny ability to give unexpected licks at the last moment. We were at the dog park last night enjoying the cool breeze and watching the sunset. I had a thought to capture the moment with a selfie. My goal was to get this stoic shot with him sitting calmly, head up and ears perked. I saw it for a second, went to snap the shot, and well...the rest is history.

Isn't that how life goes at times? We have these picturesque ideas of how we want our day or event to be played out, but to no avail; there usually is some turn in the road that we are not expecting. For example, it rains at a long awaited picnic or outdoor event.

I can remember Hurricane Harvey in the late summer of 2017 that closed the Houston airport. It just so happened that we had a flight to go through Houston, Texas on our way to Tulsa, Oklahoma. We were flying in for my Dad's 95th birthday celebration. The event had been planned for many months in advance and this was certainly not how I had pictured our weekend to go. We tried numerous other options and airlines, but we couldn't get there in time. I had to accept the fact we couldn't be a part of the family reunion and birthday party.

So I cried a little, then expressed my sadness to my Dad over the phone, who tried to be consoling. However, it took me about a week to give up my sadness, especially after receiving all the fun family photos coming through on my phone. I finally gave it over to God and realized in the big picture, I should be happy that we were not stuck in an airport like many others or on an airplane in dangerous weather. Suddenly focusing on the big picture of what's happening to others helped me. It helped me realize not to get stuck in the details you can't change. I then could enjoy the pictures. I was thankful that we had been protected from the storm!

My kudos to you today it to let go of your ideas of perfection and enjoy the "unexpected" kiss in the moment. I could have gotten frustrated with my dog and tried again numerous times, held him still, and forced the picture to happen, but what would have been really gained, nothing. The best decision was just to enjoy the process and celebrate whatever picture I got. Next time your day or event doesn't turn out picture perfect, trust God that he sees a bigger picture and maybe he wants you to just enjoy the unexpected kisses!

For everything there is a season. A time for every activity under heaven. Ecclesiastes 3:1

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