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Writer's pictureKaren Burrows

Think Pink!

Pink is one of my favorite colors and I tend to gravitate toward this color in design of nature, clothing and sentiments. When I snapped this photo it had started to slightly sprinkle, but I still wanted to snap the beautiful pink blossoms! I made a choice not to let the weather determine the result of my fun. Today is the first day of September and I have started a challenge to walk everyday for an hour and consistently blog everyday to share an insight. My insight today: Kick it to the Curb and Think Pink!

August was a wash for me. It started out on a high, with an out-of-town trip to visit my son, daughter-in-law, and 2 year old grandson. It was great to see them and enjoy my daughter-in-law's Chinese cooking, not to mention the joys of playing with my grandson. However, life came to an abrupt halt shortly after our return when my husband and I started feeling ill. We put

two and two together, reluctantly got a kit, then tested positive for COVID-19.

Fortunately, we had a mild to moderate case, and now 3 weeks later, we are getting back in the swing of things. One of the most challenging things for me has been the mood swings. After 3 days of sleeping and flu-like symptoms we thought we were over the worst, then bam on day 4 we were back in bed again. What the heck? Well, this yo-yo scenario went on for the next 3 weeks. Of course we did the routine with contacting our doctor and following the prescribed plan, but where was the relief we hoped for? When would it arrive?

So on this first first day of September, I am officially making a declaration to Kick COVID-19 to the Curb. Yep, I'm kicking it to the curb. I told my body it was going for an one hour walk today and I'm getting back to exercising. Recently, I was motivated by an article that I read on the internet where a young woman posted how she challenged herself to walk for one hour a day during the pandemic. She said that at first she struggled to keep it at the same time everyday, so she switched it up and allowed herself some flexibility. She just made the commitment to walk somewhere or sometime during the day for one hour. This also helped her to work around weather issues. After a month into the walking she found her mental health improving and her physical body had more energy.

My challenge and kudos to you today, is to keep on keeping on. You are made in the image of God and he has a special plan for your life. This plan may sometimes seem like an uphill adventure, but somewhere along the journey, I say, "Think Pink!" and Kick it to the Curb! Pink is a beautiful color. It makes me happy. What is one of your favorite colors? Wear it today or go buy an item of that color. Sometimes some of the simplest celebrations of ourselves is enough to impower us to get the job done for the day. Whatever your job is in life celebrate yourself today! Know that God has created you to know Him and His love. Share that love with someone today. If you feel defeated, mentally Kick it to the Curb! Open your door and tell it to leave your house. Find your favorite color and celebrate it. Get in forward motion. You are important in this world! Blessings to you and yours!

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