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Writer's pictureKaren Burrows

The Sun is Setting on Another Day

It's time to walk the dog, fix dinner, and recheck my "to-do" list for the week. I wonder how many times I'm driven by a schedule that might not be God's schedule. Many times Jesus gave us examples of how he was interrupted. People would cry out to him in large crowds or others would find him to "come" to their house to heal a sick person. His own mother interrupted Jesus for something as simple as him making wine via the water pots at the wedding. He told her the timing was not right, but amazingly he preformed the miracle for her anyway.

Yesterday, after my Sunday nap the door bell rang. It was some of the neighborhood children. I opened the door to a cute little red-headed, freckle face young boy saying, "Can Buddy come out and play?" I was eating my dinner and was reluctant, but then noticed the sun was beginning to set. The children would need to be inside to follow their parents guidelines. So I said, "Sure, let me get the leash and we will be right out."

The sounds of "Hurry, it's Buddy!" filled the air. The three children were all volunteering who could walk Buddy first as they ran up with screams, "Me first!" As the children ran in an open field we talked about their day and Christmas plans. The smiles and screams continued as everyone wanted to run Buddy down the hill while some rolled on their own. At the end, there were many thanks, continual waves down the street, and a one last shout, "We will see you next time!"

My kudos to you today is to stop in the unplanned moments of life. Let other people interrupt your schedule to sense the love of God that can come by sharing a simple moment in time. Even if the sun is setting there might still be time for a roll down the hill and a laugh or two as you watch a dog lick the face of a laughing child.

Dear friends, let us love one another, for love comes from God 1 John 4:7-8
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