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Writer's pictureKaren Burrows

Surprises in the Surf

Standing at the ocean's edge I am overwhelmed by it's grandeur. I think about how many fish are swimming out there miles off shore. I wonder about the depths of water and how far could I wade before the water is over my head. Since I'm barely five feet, that wouldn't take long. So it is in life; we take chances with things and walk out into the water of life and sometimes end up with the water over our head.

When one of my sons was little I was on my knees in the surf holding him while he could stand up in waist deep water. We enjoyed bobbing up and down as each wave hit the shoreline. However what I didn't realize is that there was an undercurrent dragging us away from where my husband was and our beach blankets. Suddenly I noticed the undercurrent pull me and I was whisked off my knees. Grabbing my son, I started fighting to walk against the current, but by this time I was waist deep. Then out of the blue, I remembered reading a swimmer's sign that was posted, "How to escape a rip current, undertow or riptide," and the only thing I could remember was swim parallel to the shore.

By this time my husband was waving his arms at me from the shore, "swim parallel!" I did go into a split second of panic mode realizing I could not muscle my way through the current by trying to go straight ahead to get out of the current! But when I followed the instructions we successfully escaped and made it back to shore safely!

My kudos to you today is: God in His tender compassion is always right there to lead us back to solid footing, if we turn to Him and follow his instructions. When we are not careful the pull of the world can catch us off guard like an unsuspected under tow that will drag us off in another direction. So the next time you find yourself in over your head, listen for His voice. He will tell you which way to go either by a still small voice or as in my case, someone yelling at you from the shoreline!

Psalm 32:8 I will instruct you and teach you in the way that you should go. I will guide you with my eye.

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