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Writer's pictureKaren Burrows

Stuff Happens!

Updated: Jun 14, 2021

Raving and Ranting will do you no good. Frustrated? Broken? Uncertain about the

future? Life happens and stuff happens to all of us. No matter what our backgrounds or

cultural birthing. STUFF HAPPENS. No one is immune to life's trials and testing's. The

Word of God says, He makes the sun to rise on the evil and on the good, and rains to

fall on the just and unjust. Mathew 5:45

Uncertainties of life produce an opportunity for us to to either become bitter or better.

We look for answers and find none. Nothing seems to make sense and we find

ourselves repeating our troubled story over and over. Some plaster their offenses on

Facebook desiring sympathy from friends and family. But is this the best choice? Yes, it

can be comforting, but does it make the trouble go away? No, in reality we are hurt

because we think someone or something owes us! When we hold onto this offense it makes us become bitter.

But what has been done, has been done. And nothing can change what that person did

or what the event was. Even if the person apologizes, you can not change history.

I received a great piece of advice one time from a family counselor. She said, raving

and ranting will do you no good. I even put those words scrolling on my screen saver

for about a month. (It honestly took me about that long to process an offense.)

Constantly wagging our tongues about our own tragedy only accentuates the growing

fields of hurt and resentment. Do we have a reason to be upset? Yes, we might have a

reason, but not a right. If you are a follower of Christ, we nailed all our rights to the tree

when we died with him. However, we can be encouraged because when we nail those rights

to the tree, then that STUFF no longer weighs us down. Maybe you need to picture the event and put it in a hot air balloon, then see it flying way never to return again. Give it to your heavenly Father. Leave the results of justice or injustice to Him. Never wish bad or evil on your adversary

because only God has that right. Pray that the Lord has mercy.

Wherever you are on your journey today. I pray that you will remember Stuff Happens.

It rains on the just and the unjust. We can't control other people or events, but

we can control our minds and thought patterns. So if you must, in your mounting

frustration, go ahead and cry. God is close to the brokenhearted and saves those who

are crushed in spirit. Psalm 34:18. My mother used to tell me, "go have yourself a good cry."

Finally, remember God sees all your frustrations and tears. He stores them in a bottle. Whatever you use for your tear catcher, either a hankie or tissue, use it to wave it over your head as a sacrifice of praise. For God inhabits the praises of his people. He will give you a garment of praise for the spirit of heaviness! Isaiah 61:3

Then, fix your thoughts on what is true, honorable, right, pure, lovely and

admirable. Think of things that are excellent and worthy of PRAISE! Your thoughts are what you become. Guard against allowing your mind to meditate on the wrong things.

Ephesians 4:8

God loves and cares for you. If you desire prayer, please leave me a comment and I will respond back within 24 hours. Also if you are in need of a good Bible based church with online teaching go to

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Jun 16, 2021

So much wisdom in these words. God is our true source of peace in this crazy world.

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