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Writer's pictureKaren Burrows

Some Things Never Change

Updated: Sep 5, 2022

Almost 100 years ago, on September 3, 1922, my dad was born. He was one of six children. His chances of survival in today's terms would have been slim. He was born premature and so little that they put him in a shoe box. He was bottle fed condensed sweetened milk from a can and kept warm by a fire. This was in the days of the Great Depression and you just "made do" with what you had, prayed a lot, and believed for God's best.

Dad lived a long life and just exited this world on August 15, 2021. He joyfully boasted so many times how he would probably live to be 110! However, he finished his life's journey just shy of 99, to meet his friend, Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. I'm sure he was welcomed into heaven's gates.

There were many changes in Dad's lifetime from cars, planes, jets, TVs, computers, phones and the list goes on. So too with us, so many changes happening before us, things that are out of our immediate control. But if there was one lesson that I learned from observing Dad's long life, it was perseverance with positivity. He worked very hard during his life to acquire a level of success, but he never gave up when faced with obstacles and change. Even as a child, he began working at age five standing on a stool washing dishes at a local café. The money would then go to his widowed Mom, my grandmother, who was raising six children alone. His caring, giving heart was part of his destiny.

My kudos to you today is to persevere with positivity. Your heart core can remain strong, in the face of change. No matter what life throws at you, God can give you the strength to not lose hope. You see Dad had a faith in the living God and he believed we were all created by God for a purpose. Our circumstances can change, prices can change, people can change, but God never changes. He can be the hand on your shoulder and the life-giving source of all hope. I pray that if you don't know Jesus that you will get a Bible, read it, then listen to His voice. He is the never changing source of all love. Things are constantly changing in our world, but God's truths never change. Some things never change and it's for the best!

Jesus is the same yesterday, today, and forever. Hebrews 13:8

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Sep 06, 2022

Karen, I just “happened “ to come across this article tonight about your dad- it did my heart a world of good! He and your mom were both such a blessing to me, and made more of an impact on my life than they could’ve ever known! (as did you!} Im so glad you shared about his early life- I didn’t know any of those things.

Karen Burrows
Karen Burrows
Sep 07, 2022
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Thanks Kathy! That's a blessing to know!

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