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Writer's pictureKaren Burrows

Sniffing Out the Land

Updated: Jul 13, 2023

Across the street from us is a beautiful wooded 2,100 acre park. It is laid out for hiking, horseback riding, and America's favorite pastime these days... dog walking. Buddy, my dog, typically will stay about 15 feet ahead of me to sniff out what lies ahead. He will freeze with his tail up and ears pointed when he spots or hears another animal nearby. He has discovered deer, armadillos, snakes, and a wild turkey or two. Now to those who are freaking out that my dog is "off-leash," please don't worry. The park allows dogs off-leash, as long as the owner is nearby and the dog will come on command or you have a leash if needed. I carry a leash in my pocket.

Exploring new trails on a hike allows you to use most of your God-given senses, to be aware of your surroundings in sights, sounds, smells, touch, and well maybe taste. If you walk with your mouth open you might catch a fly or gnat. It's a great time to unplug and clear your mind. Extended times of walking also has been proven to be a mood booster, not to mention being good for your overall physical health.

Life can be a daily adventure because we never know exactly how our day may play out. We can have an idea of our daily schedule, but the people around us and the environment can change your day in a moment's notice. Suddenly the adventure can become unpredictable.

God in His mercy has given us a guide to those unpredictable moments. To those who call Him friend, He promises to go before us and alert us to places or events that could cause us alarm. As we listen to His voice, He will lead us down the paths of life, whether they be downhill or uphill. He is constant in the variables of life. Just like I'm confident of my dog's ability to sniff out a trail ahead, I am much more confident of God's ability to go ahead of me in life and protect me from danger. I've heard it said before, "God will either help me to walk over the mountain, walk around the mountain, or cut a path through the mountain, but the mountain will not overcome us with His help."

My kudos to you today is this: What mountains are you facing today? What path has become unbearable or uncertain? Is it a mountain of criticism? Is it a mountain of work stress? Is it a relationship mountain? Is it a mountain of debt? God will show you the path to take if you pray, read His Word, and take time to be still before Him. He wants to help you more than you know or realize. His way is the pathway to life and peace!

Truly I tell you, if you have faith as small as a mustard seed, you can say to this mountain, "Move from here to there," and it will move. Nothing will be impossible to you. Matthew 17:20

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