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Writer's pictureKaren Burrows

Monkey Bar Crossing

Do you ever remember trying to cross the monkey bars as a kid? It was a repetitive event for me until I finally mastered it. In fact, we only lived about two blocks from the elementary school playground and sometimes on the weekends when no one was there I would go there just to practice. The frustrating part was getting halfway then suddenly my strength would give out and I'd drop to the ground. But finally one day a neighborhood friend was helping me and she made a suggestion. "Keep the swinging motion going from metal loop to metal loop. Keep letting go and grabbing to the next one until you reach the end."

I told her I can't do that, but I'd try. Sure enough, it worked! My forward swinging body motion was like a catalyst that propelled my body forward as I let go of one bar and reached for the next. Wow! I did make it to the end!!

My kudos to you today is to let go of the thing you are holding onto from your past so you can swing forward into the next great thing God has for you this new year. Jesus is like my friend in the story. He sees you getting halfway and then getting stuck to only let go and fall to ground. Let go of the bitterness. Let go of the grief. He is telling you to let go and reach out for the next thing. He sees you whole in every area of your life and wants to bring life to you to the fullest.

But one thing I do: forgetting what lies behind and staining forward to that which lies ahead, I press on toward the goal...Philippians 3:13-14

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