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Writer's pictureKaren Burrows

Life on the Ledge

Life presents itself with various challenges at times and we find ourselves "out on a limb," so to speak. Recently we visited Rock City where we found ourselves 1,700 feet about sea level, viewing a 100-foot waterfall that cascades down the mountain, and trekking adventurously on a swing-a-long bridge that spans nearly 200 feet.

Being outdoors and sensing the grandeur of God's creation can be an inspirational place for our life's journey. How many times will we find ourselves this new year maybe being near the edge, knowing we need to walk out on the ledge. What if we are needed to help someone that might need medical attention; are we willing to risk our own safety? Are we willing to give up our own personal comforts for the risk of helping someone in need?

Due to the pandemic restrictions in 2020, my daughter-in-law and son who were visiting from China were not allowed to return to their home. All their belongings and family had to be left behind. They came to the U.S. on vacation for a two-week visit not knowing that they would not be able to return. Then after much prayer and anguish, six months later my son was able to find work. They started rebuilding their lives. They both found themselves out on the ledge of life. However due to their faith in a providing God, and knowing their lives are directed by Him, they now walk on joyfully.

My kudos to you today is to know that you can stand strong when you are out on the ledge. The Creator of the mountain gorges and waterfalls will be there to hold you up, if you trust in Him and His unfailing love!

My strength comes from God, who made heaven and earth and mountains. Psalm 121: 1-3

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