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Writer's pictureKaren Burrows

Let Freedom Ring!

As a tutor of English on line, I spend time during my week having English lessons and chatting with people from Turkey, Saudi Arabia, Iraq, Vietnam, Japan, China, India, South Korea, Taiwan, Kuwait, Germany, Switzerland, Brazil, and the list could go on. However there is always one thing all these people have in common: they want to learn English and they dream of one day visiting the United States. They also share with me how it must be so wonderful to live in this country.

I wish everyone could listen with me for hours about how appreciative others are for America and the opportunity they have to learn English. Numerous times I have heard, "Oh, I want to learn English because it is the best language of the world and I can use it in my job as we work with international companies." Some times they associate English with the UK, but few want to live there. It's always desiring to come to the United States.

The image of the flag flying, wherever if flies on this July Fourth, symbolizes freedom...freedom for all. Let us come together and thank God for all we have as U.S. citizens.

My kudos to you today is this; whether you are an American citizen or not, there is a freedom you can experience regardless of where you live. Thank the God who created you for life and know that in His love you can find true freedom. Yes, there is evil in this world, but there is a hope found only in Christ's freedom. Let's remember the United States was founded on this freedom. It is still ringing out freedom today from sea to shining sea!
It is for freedom that Christ has set us free. Galatians 5:1
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