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Writer's pictureKaren Burrows

Laugh Everyday!

Updated: Apr 12, 2022

Recently, while at a local tourist shop here in Florida, I just had to be a kid again for a second. Not only did I give my hubby a laugh, but several other on-lookers as well. Oh to be a kid again, well not really! My thoughts were motivated for my love of horses and I hope one day to own one again. I thought, well at least I can have a free simulated ride. There was joy in the moment of such a simple thing.

My girlfriend from high school, who I talk with regularly, sent me a beautiful butterfly dish with a saying printed in the middle. It says, "Laugh Everyday." I have it on a curio shelf by my front door so whenever any one exits my house they will see it and remember it's importance.

There has been a multitude of research done, even by Mayo clinic, on how laughing can reduce stress and alleviate depression. Laughter aids your oxygen intake, stimulates your heart and lungs, and increases endorphins that are released by your brain. It can leave you with a good relaxed feeling by aiding in muscle relaxation.

My kudos to you today is call a friend and think of one thing that will make you laugh. You most likely will laugh along with with them. Find a way to laugh at your own situation and watch your stress begin to fade way. Each day try to consider all God has done for you and in the lives of others. For the Lord has done great things! Joel 2:21 NLT

A joyful heart does good like a medicine, but a broken spirit dries the bones.

Proverbs 17:22 ESV

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