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Writer's pictureKaren Burrows

Joy in the Journey

Are you letting your obsession with perfection rob you of your daily journey? Or maybe it carries over into your hobbies also. My husband and my youngest son enjoy a round of golf whenever it's possible for them to get together. Actually, he would enjoy playing with all three of his sons, if they could ever get their schedules coordinated. But each son living in different states (Connecticut, Texas, and Indiana) presents its challenges geographically.

My husband will be the first to tell you that his game score is nowhere near the professional level, but he enjoys the challenge of the game along with sunshine and exercise. The usual question when he gets home from a game is, "Well, how many balls did you loose today?" We both laugh as he consoles himself with random excuses as to why the ball went astray from it's intended course.

Regardless of the average game score, I think he has instilled in our sons over the years to strive at being their personal best, while not letting the desire for perfectionism keep you from enjoying the game. So true in the game of life. We can get so caught up in our picture-perfect world driven by the outward, materialistic appearance of things that it stresses us into failure or defeat. We lose sight of our own worthy accomplishments because we compare ourselves to others or someone better than ourselves.

My kudos to you today is to enjoy the journey wherever life takes you. Stop comparing yourself to others. It only breeds discontent and tells you that happiness is never attainable because you are not "as good" as that other person in a certain sport, job, relationship, or appearance. The list goes on. Reflect on the fact that we were all created uniquely with certain tasks to fulfill in this life. God didn't make you like an artificial intelligence robot system. His design for you is unique, so learn to be content with that design! It will bring peace and health to your body, then you can learn to have joy in the journey, even if your golf score is 100+!

A peaceful heart leads to a healthy body; jealousy is like cancer in the bones. Proverbs 14:30

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