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Writer's pictureKaren Burrows

Family Fairy Tales?

Updated: Nov 27, 2021

Modeling tradition and past experiences we strive to replicate our happy memories. When I was a teenager I remember helping my mom in the kitchen a lot at my Grandmother's house, especially during the holidays.

As I remember, my older sister seemed to supervise in the kitchen. Because of this, there was sometimes for me a competition to be different from each other. She had short hair and my hair was down to my waist. She dressed up and I would wear jeans. We still to this day are wondering what the other is wearing and what we are doing with our hair. I guess there is a love that never dies between family.

My cousin sent us this old photo of our Thanksgiving celebration from the 70s. Still remember the green hip-hugger jeans I had on in the photo and my sister's furry moccasins that she was wearing probably in defiance to my Dad's suggestion to put on her "nice shoes" for the dinner table. My how times have changed!

Today, beneath the family fairy tales let's ask, how can we resolve our differences? Perhaps a chord of unity can exist sprinkled with an unseen pixie dust. The chord is composed of our many differences but it is woven together and sprinkled with love. This love holds us together through differing opinions, arguments, and yes even some screaming matches. But when we come to Grandmother's house all our troubles should melt away.

My kudos to you today is to reflect on the ties of unity that binds us all together. One thing we have in common is the desire to love and be loved. Let's not forget during this holiday time to lay down our differences and bring unity to those around us. Lay down your own troubles and see how you can make another happy. It will come back to bless you and that's a fairy tale come true!

Dear friends, let us love one another, for love comes from God. Everyone who loves has been born of God and knows God. 1 John 4:7

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