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Writer's pictureKaren Burrows

Dreams Off Track?

Who would have thought that the most perfect human to ever walk this planet would arrive basically in a barn setting, no sterilization that we know of and certainly far from Mary's family or the closest mid-wife. This tells me that we can get our dreams way off track. For example, Mary and Joseph had a dream where they would see Jesus born, probably not the place he was actually to be birthed.

My challenge for you this Christmas season is to lay your situation in the manager before the Lord and let Him take it wherever the journey may lead. Perhaps you feel like Joseph and doors keep getting shut in your face, saying No room, or No job, or No soulmate, or No whatever. You fill in the blank. How frustrating it must have been for Joseph as he was trying to follow God's plan, but getting literal doors slammed in his face!

Many times, do we get frustrated with life and how circumstances go for us? What happens when our picture perfect plans get turned upside down? We can take a great lesson from this account of Joseph and Mary, the parent's of Jesus. They trusted God and made it work! God was so pleased that he sent angels to confirm the event to shepherds in a field not too far away. Shortly afterwards they found Joseph and Mary to report the angel's proclamation. (Luke 2:6-20) No cell phone and GPS either by the way, just God's divine guidance to find a newborn baby in a barn. Try and imagine that!

Take heart today friend if you are reading this and your plans, dreams or just life in general is not going the way you thought. My kudos to you today is to ask God for His help and He will be faithful to provide everything you need. It may be packaged a little different than you thought, just like it was for Joseph and Mary. This different plan might even have some piles of manure laying around, but just move it over and keep your eyes on the purpose... keep your eyes on the vision... there could be a miracle being born, like Jesus... away in a manager.

The Savior- yes, the Messiah, the Lord - has been born today in the Bethlehem, the city of David! And you will find a baby wrapped in snugly strips of cloth, lying in a manger. (feeding tough) Luke 2:11-12

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