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Writer's pictureKaren Burrows

Dog Slobber is Good for the Soul

Several weeks ago, on our way back from a road trip to South Carolina, we decided to take the back roads. It was beautiful to see some open cotton fields in full bloom plus the farms with cattle and horses grazing free in the rolling green meadows. Buddy enjoyed the ride also, and several times got excited when he saw the cattle. Being that he is a Cattle Dog/Australian Shepherd mix, I guess he was living up to his instincts.

During our peaceful trip through the slow-paced, green countryside we did encounter some trucks who also like the back roads. One of these trucks happened to be a gravel truck. Why did I notice it as it zoomed by us? Because in a split second the truck seemed to hit a bump in the road and a few pieces of rock came flying at us, one of which hit our windshield with a loud CRACK! Yep, you guessed it, a nice spiderweb crack started to form on the driver's side. Glad it was not worse, I thanked the Lord we have insurance and it would need to get fixed soon.

Today was that day that the auto glass repairman showed up at our house to replace the crack in our car windshield. This afternoon, he arrived earlier than scheduled, which was a pleasant surprise and he didn't mind the friendly dog licks at the door. He mentioned the fact his dogs would be jealous when he got home. He laughed and smiled ear-to-ear as he stroked Buddy's belly, as Buddy leaned into his leg begging for more.

Before he started work on the car he explained what he would be doing to replace the windshield. We thanked him and I apologized for all the dog hair in my car. He said that he understood because he had horses and six dogs. I asked him what kind of dogs he had. He said Cattle Dogs and Australian Shepherds. I was amazed as I shared that our dog was a Cattle Dog/Shepherd mix! Within a matter of minutes we were talking about horses in Ocala, his horses plus similar topics relating to our experiences in equine therapy.

The replacement went very smoothly and only took about and hour. When it was time to return the keys, I met the serviceman in the driveway. I felt impressed to share with him several handkerchiefs that I give away as a prayer reminder. These handkerchiefs are simply a point of contact that help people remember the power of prayer. I asked him if he had any prayer needs. He thought for a minute and said that yes, I could pray for his wife's grandmother who just had surgery for cancer. I asked her name and then said a prayer for her.

We said our goodbyes then he thanked me for the handkerchiefs and the prayer. I went back into the house amazed at the commonality of our interests. What are the odds that we just "happened" to get that repairman? I think it was a providential meeting.

My kudos to you today: Remember that our ordinary, daily lives have purpose to help someone else along the way. A crack in a windshield may seem like a test of our patience, but God wants to take that test and turn it into a triumph. I pray that the triumph was accomplished in a grandmother receiving a handkerchief covered in prayers of healing for her body. Let him use you in your life whatever your talents, even if it's loving the smell of dirt, horses and dog slobber! All are good for the soul!!

Many are the plans in a person's heart, but it is the Lord's purpose that prevails. Provers 19:21

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1 comentário

07 de dez. de 2022

Hi Karen! Love "Dog Slobber is Good for the Soul!" I keep my hankie on my bedside table.

Headed for Houston, early tomorrow. It won't be dog slobber greeting me, 😌 but hopefully many opportunities to be purposeful in my appointments, which are many. ❤

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