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Writer's pictureKaren Burrows

Contentment in the Waiting

So here is the completed pandemic puzzle. Yay! We started this project on September 1 and finished it this past weekend, finally! I waited to take a picture of our trophy, until the next morning. To my surprise, Simba our cat, liked the completion too! We had a battle over the past several weeks with his focus on wanting to lay on the card table. He would peer over our shoulders trying to figure out what all the interest was over these colorful card board pieces. In the beginning he would jump-up on the table to sniff the pieces, as if to say, "What am I missing here and why all the fuss?" Amazingly, I think he knew we were finished! He could now conquer the table and go to sleep content in the sun.

During this pandemic time, I have heard it said repeatedly that maybe we have all been slowed down for a reason. Many have been slowed and basically stopped from their high paced schedules. Lives have changed, schedules have changed, life has changed. I think the Creator is trying to get our attention and giving us a chance to reflect about what life is really all about.

Life is not about how much you acquire and your personal assets. It's not about what we are always "doing", but what we are becoming. I've said it before and I'll say it again, we are human beings, not human doings. What is it we face on a daily basis that causes unrest and much discontentment? Why is it we are always wanting more? Maybe we have been sold a bill of goods by advertisers. Contentment is not something that the advertisers would try to sell you these days. LOL

If we have food and clothing we should be content. The other things are okay and meant to be enjoyed, but perhaps we should guard ourselves from this being our focus in life. In fact during the early church the Christians were warned that there would be some who promoted that godliness was a way to become wealthy. (1 Timothy 6:5) The scripture says, they have turned their backs on the truth.

Then it goes onto say that true godliness is contentment and that in itself is great wealth! Hmm...what a revelation, that contentment can be a great wealth!

So my kudos to you today is that you find contentment in your journey! I pray that you will be blessed in your life with great contentment - contentment in counting your blessings of food on your table and a bed to sleep in at night. God is at work behind the scenes to help us in our most discontent and troublesome times. Keep on keeping on my friend, there can be contentment in the waiting knowing that the master designer is working on your puzzle arranging the pieces to design the final masterpiece!

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