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Writer's pictureKaren Burrows

Butterfly Beauty

Updated: Sep 5, 2021

At the first of last month, pre-Covid for us, we traveled to see our daughter-in-law, son and grandson in Houston. We were blessed to spend time at a Natural Museum of Science in downtown Houston. One of the exhibits was a three story butterfly aviary. It was so much fun to have butterflies land on your shoulder and in your hair. I tried several times to snap a photo, but my reflexes were not quick enough.

During our wanderings through the dense plants, flowers and trees, I couldn't help but notice how each color of butterfly would be attracted to the color on it's wings. The natural camouflage on the butterfly, seem to program them to the right color of flower. Notice how this butterfly in the photo has almost the same color on his wings! The Creator is just amazing in his workmanship.

I wonder how many times we feel a sense of direction for things that we are possibly programmed for by our Creator, but we don't allow ourselves the time to pursue those things. As human beings we are God's highest creation, so there must be a specific design we were all made to do.

Your life is a gift each day. I pray you will listen and follow your heart to helping others by using a special talent or gifting. I have a sister-in-law, who has spent sacrificial hours making infant caps and blankets for ICU units for near-by hospitals. What a beautiful gift to those babies who are struggling in a very sterile environment. They are being wrapped in love by those who have a gift for sewing. My sewing consists of reattaching a button to a shirt or closing small hole in a seam with seam tape. It's only for emergencies. LOL

So fly into your flower color today and be whatever you've been created to be. You are made and designed by the Master Creator. In Luke 12:7 it speaks of God having all the hairs of our head numbered. That's pretty intricate design. If you look at a butterfly under a microscope you can see hundreds of tiny feather like hairs on each wing. Wow, how amazing! Kudos to you today my friend. God loves you and knows where you are today. Share your purpose with someone today. You've got what it takes! Blessings and Kudos to you!

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