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Writer's pictureKaren Burrows

Alone on the Bench

Jesus is sitting next to you on the "bench" of your life. Wherever that bench a quiet forest, in a hospital waiting room, on a noisy, crowded bus stop or just maybe a courtroom bench. I've been on all those benches in my life. I can honestly tell you feeling all alone is one of the most desperate places an individual can experience, but don't give up hope. I've come to tell you that there is one sitting next to you on your bench who gives you hope today!

His love is so powerful that it can break down any barrier of life that has engulfed us. Life can place a black shroud of darkness over us with intense worries, worries that over take us. Maybe it's a huge financial crisis or a tragic setback from a death or severe injury.

How do brave individuals keep going? I'm telling you Jesus is sitting next to them on their bench. I know that because He is the author of all life and he is constantly whispering out to people that He is with them. The problem is we seem to look more to others, the internet, music, movies, and self-help books. But those I see who conquer the battle, no matter the report, are those who put their trust in the Words written in the Bible and those who put their trust in a merciful, healing Jesus.

My kudos to you today is: know you are loved and never alone. God sent you this message today! Take it as a sign that God is with you and hearing your prayers.

Now this is eternal life: that they know you, the only true God, and Jesus Christ, whom you have sent. John 17:3

And if you need a good church with solid teaching, check out They have online recorded teachings that will help you in your journey of life, and also a place to request prayer. Remember you are never alone.

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